Why Workshop?

The opportunity to focus on specific postures and have plenty of time to ask questions, make workshops the perfect environment to take your practice to the next level. In additional it gives practitioner chance to deepen their practice.

Here Are 6 Reasons To Attend Workshops...

Alignment and technique are often skipped over in classes, simply because the time is limited and focus is on the flow. In ashtanga for example, the meditative quality that's achieved by flowing through the postures (vinyasa) combined with breathing (ujjayi) and gaze points (dristi) is prioritised. Some teachers do mention alignment but there is usually not enough time to get down to details.

In a workshop setting, alignment of postures and directionality (actions) are explored in detail, as well as techniques of how to do postures correctly. We look at what muscles should be working in each pose, how to engage them, and what should be relaxed, in order to reach that well known yogic dichotomy: the balance between strength (sthira) and ease (sukham). Sometimes muscles become dormant and cause others to compensate, which can lead to injury. Learning what should be working when is an invaluable addition to your practise and effects wellbeing, as leads to integration (one of the meanings of the word yoga!) and integration feels great physically, mentally, and energetically.

Currently Workshops are suspended due to Covid-19 but once the situation gets better it will continue to takes place once a month at Carpenters & Dockland Centre in Stratford. If there is any topics you would like to see covered let us know!

For more information, please email me info@ramilapatelyoga.com


Stratford Centre,
98 Gibbins Rd,
London E15 2HU

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